Sinclair Baptist Church

Ain’t No Turkey Like the One I Love

Busy  •  Crazy  •  Hectic.

Three words we use way to often. They are accurate, for sure, but need to probably to thinned out of the the everyday vocab. Of course, it’s not that the words are bad, it is that they are way too accurate. Life just seems to be busy, crazy and hectic.  I have a cure.

My suggestion is pretty simple. Once a day, once a week and once a month, do the “stop and smell the roses” thing. What that means is to daily, weekly and monthly purposely schedule a slower, healthier moment. The crazy life will continue, but the slower moment will stand above the crowd. It will act as an anchor to look forward to and a memory to look back upon. And it will certainly help thin out those “fast words” from the vocab.

You are on your own for the “once a day” and “one a week” rose smellin’, but I have a suggestion for the monthly break. How about coming to a community dinner? Every year in Sinclair there is this giant Thanksgiving dinner. Folks come to sit down and eat and actually talk to each other rather than wave as their cars pass. Discussions happen. Catching up happens. Friendships happen. There’s nothing like it. It is that “slower moment” that stands above crowd. It is what I call a “healthy highlight”.

If your month needs one of these “healthy highlights”, then I want to make sure you are invited to the big dinner this year. It is on the Sunday afternoon before Thanksgiving and is designed for the entire family.  True “community” is rare these days. Please be our guest for the dinner. At least for one day, maybe we can help you thin out a few of the “crazy” words from your vocab!

  • All-Community Thanksgiving Dinner (FREE of charge)
  • November 19, 2017
  • Serving dinner at 4:00 or 5:00p
  • 400 Lincoln, Sinclair, WY Located at the Historic Parco Inn



Mike Holmes

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Contact Info:

Physical Address:  400 Lincoln Ave. Sinclair, WY

Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 4 Sinclair , WY 82334

Church Phone:  307-324-2408


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